
I host all of my stuff (including this website) on my own local server. I have one old 6th gen i7 gaming laptop with Fedora 36 installed. It’s a mean little machine with half-arsed 12GB of RAM. One 4GB and 8GB DIMM. Kinda sucks, since I don’t want to pay much.

Neofetch running from SSH via iTerm2 on macOS 13

How do I deploy apps and websites?
I found out that running Docker is the easiest way to get these services running without hassle. You just need to click 2 times to deploy a new site, far off from the way we used to had. For Docker container management, I use Portainer as a standalone app, easily managing from stacks to individual containers in one-go.

Portainer’s homepage
All of my containers running at the same time.

How can I run lots of apps on a single computer/server ?
Just use virtual machines (VM). In my case, booting up a VM is easier and cheaper since I don’t need that powerful of a workload. I use Cockpit+virtmanager to do VM administrations.

Cockpit’s GUI allow me to do tough, manual stuffs, very easily.

So that’s it